InnovaPuglia - Public Shareholding Company is a public in-house company, subject to the management  and control of the Puglia Region. The company acts as:

COMPETENCE CENTER FOR INTEGRATED PROCUREMENT Public Provider and Spending Aggregator of the Puglia region (SArPULIA), regional purchasing center (Regional Law 37/2014) to promote and develop the process of rationalizing and spending review of the procurement of works, supply and services for regional administration and local organizations in Puglia region. In this role:

-Supervises the current expending of the regional health services.

-Carries out aggregate calls to tender to purchase supply and services for the regional health sector and by delegation of local authorities and bodies.

-Develops and manages eProcurement tools and the EmPULIA platform.

COMPETENCE CENTER FOR REGIONAL ICT GOVERNMENT, in accordance with European regulations, for the implementation of public funds for digital research and innovation, included in the Regional Operational Programs.

INTERMEDIARY ORGANIZATION and TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER, in accordance with current EU regulations, for the implementation of public funds for digital research and innovation, included in the Regional Operational Programs. 


InnovaPuglia, in addition to the joint activities for all partners regarding the activities of WP1, WP2 and WP5, contributes to the WP3 activities with reference the setting up the Delphi expert’s panel.

As regards WP4, it is Task leader of T4.3 Strategies for public procurement in health sector focused to develop new or improved strategies for public procurement to arrive at insights and lessons at the national/regional level. For each strategy an implementation plan will be designed.