SCR Piemonte is the Central Purchasing Body of Regione Piemonte established in 2007, with the aim to contain public spending and to achieve a centralization of demand for goods and services by other public bodies – mainly in health sector - for the award of public contracts, with the effect of concentrating procurement procedures, thereby increasing the volumes put out to tender and reducing the costs and risks associated with the management of tendering procedures and, at the same time, ensuring increased specialisation in the management of e-procurement procedures.

During this long period, SCR has developed a clearly defined purchase strategy both in the health sector, and in other standard categories such as energy, gas, paper, from the identification of the needs, through the collection of the needs and the benchmarking, to the award of the contracts.

SCR buys goods and services for 6 hospitals and 12 local health boards, and it covers around 500 public procurement bodies in both health care categories and standard categories; as an example, it awarded about 300 tenders for a total amount of nearly 7 million euro in the period 2020-2022, and it played a very important role in the procurement of Personal Protective Equipment necessary to deal with the emergency Covid-19 for the regional territory.


SCR is involved in the project as a public procurer specialized in the healthcare & care sector and as country leader. According to this second role, SCR will set the “Country Node” in charge of the collection of information for the Observational Study on European Healthcare & Public Procurement Environment in order to ensure the collection of structured information among External Sources in Italy.